Do you know of a large food event that will be held once we are out of this no gathering phase? Hawaii Restaurant Association Educational Foundation (HRAEF) is seeking to participate in events such as large local food or community gatherings (once our stay at home mandate is over, of course)
At the moment, HRAEF hopes to get involved in events in which our local High School Junior and Senior students may participate in so that our local businesses and community will be able to learn more about this great program.
The High Schools that are part of the HRAEF ProStart Program are
James P. Castle, W.R. Farrington, Moanalua, Roosevelt, Kaiser, Maui, Kohala, Leilehua, McKinley and Pearl City
Participating in these events will provide many opportunities including:
- A platform to inform our community on how they may get involved in supporting our local Pro Start High Schools and students.
- Opportunities to develop our future food service industry associates.
The more events that our HRAEF participates in, the more opportunities there will be! What is that saying? Let’s plant the seeds today to ensure a plentiful tomorrow.
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