Executive Director Message February 2020
HRA members had a ROARING great time at our Annual Holiday Party! Mahalo to the Hukilau Restaurant, Anheuser-Busch, Rainbow Sales & Marketing, Market Advantage, David Livingston, Duke’s Waikiki & all our sponsors & volunteers. Congratulations to our winners! We share some photos below. See you next year!
Join us on Feb 24th at 8:30 am for Talk Story with our Legislators! Mahalo to our host, Big City Diner, Windward Mall. This is your opportunity to express your thoughts. To find out more information, or if you would like to host a Legislator Talk Story, email: info@hawaiirestaurant.org
Booths are still available AND have you registered for your free entry pass? Speed up your check in process! April 15 & 16th – The Hawaii Hotel and Restaurant Show will showcase the very best in our industry! The feedback last year from our members is to bring back our Leader to Leader private meetings. We heard you loud and clear! If you would like to learn how to schedule a private 15 minute one on one meeting with top Hotel and Restaurant operators, email: info@hawaiirestaurant.org
July 16th – HRA’s Annual Golf Tournament. Last year we had over 220 players & numerous Beverage and Food sponsors. If you would like to join the Golf Committee, email: info@hawaiirestaurant.org
Sept 21st – HRA’s Annual Hall of Fame. The Sheraton Waikiki is thrilled to host our Annual Gala again in 2020. The nomination forms will be posted soon, look for it! The HoF Committee has started to meet, if you are interested in getting involved, email: info@hawaiirestaurant.org
I look forward to seeing our food service industry grow even stronger!