Black Mold and Slime should NOT be drink ingredients. How are your soda machines and guns? Do your soda spouts look like the photo? When was the last time the nozzle was taken off the soda gun? Let’s look at steps your staff should be taking to keep your equipment clean, and keep your drinks safe.
At the bottom of the story are links to Pepsi and Coca-Cola web pages on how to clean the machinery. There are daily and weekly duties. Review or print them to educate your staff. Ask your rep to give instruction on how to clean the systems.
Black mold develops from being splashed on the underside and in the crevasses of the parts and surfaces. They are often neglected, but as moisture forms on these parts and then drip into the drinks, these become food contact surfaces.
When was the last time the soda gun nozzle was cleaned? If it needs Superman muscle, then it has been a while (while I am being told it is taken apart every night!) Soda Guns over time can develop a buildup of bio-slime on the sprayer head, black, white or orange mold form in the inside surfaces. These are food contact surfaces, and the soda that comes out is not only filtered thru this funk, but it also affects the flavor!!!
An additional step I recommend is to pour a pitcher of hot water down the drain tubes at the end of the night. This helps break up the sugars that accumulate in the tubes. Sugar snakes prevent the excess soda syrup from draining down the tube, and becoming a fruit fly secret buffet.
While we are talking about protecting beverages, Fruit flies are attracted to the alcohol that they can get into by your liquor pourers. When was the last they were cleaned? How about the bottles themselves? A weekly wipe down at the least would be a good step. To prevent Fruit flies from getting in the bottle, plastic wrap the tops at night, or place paper cone cups on top.
Thank You to The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo for the information.
Happy Holidays to all, and hope that all are busy and safe!!
To set up a Food Safety Audit, please contact Peter Bellisario via email or phone (808)491-7766. As always, Hawaii Restaurant Association members are eligible for a discount on our already reasonable fees.