The National ProStart Invitational (NPSI) took place May 8-10 in Washington DC and boy was it an event to remember! High school students from around the country competed in the categories of Culinary and Restaurant Management. The teams represented at NPSI are the state champions from 46 different states and were competing for some impressive scholarships and prizes. While Texas took home the #1 prize in both Culinary and Management, the competition was fierce and you could really see the passion these students have for the industry! This competition truly changes lives and is supported by some of the biggest names in the industry. The HRAEF plans to create our first state competition in the 2019-20 school year and we sincerely look forward to providing high school students from Hawaii the opportunity to proudly represent
the islands in Washington DC in Spring 2020! Stay tuned!
Also, the HRAEF will be one of two beneficiaries of the Hawaii Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Show’s Pau Hana event the evening of Wednesday, May 29 5:30-7:30p at the Hawaii Convention Center. Tickets are $50 and there will be a silent and live auction as well as a raffle to help raise money for our programming. We really hope to see you there!