4 Health Concerns a Healthy Mouth Can Help You Avoid

woman-smiling-with-apple-600x235Taking care of your smile is important to staying healthy. Find out what health concerns a healthy mouth may help you avoid:

Preventive oral care is the best way to prevent gum disease, including: Brushing twice a day for at least two minutes with fluoridated toothpaste, flossing daily and seeing the dentist regularly.

Contact us today to learn how Hawaii Dental Service can ensure a lifetime of healthy smiles for your business and employees.

HDS_Photo_MallorieLim (002)MALLORIE LIM  |  Strategic Account Executive
Hawaii Dental Service (HDS)
Phone:  (808) 529-9287

HDS_logoHDS is the first and largest dental benefits provider in the state, serving more than one million people throughout Hawaii, Guam and Saipan. It has the largest network of dentists with over 95 percent of Hawaii’s licensed, practicing dentists participating with HDS. As a nonprofit founded in Hawaii 55 years ago, HDS is committed to making quality healthcare affordable and accessible, in addition to providing oral health education, preventing oral disease, and increasing access to dental care for underserved populations across Hawaii



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