September 2016 Events: Hawaii Tourism Conference, Suisan Food Show

Hawaii Tourism Conference

img_3530HRA participated in the Hawaii Tourism Conference on Sept 27-30 at the Hawaii Convention Center. The global tourism industry was in attendance bringing together major stakeholders from around the world, celebrating Hawaii’s unique culture and attractions, with a full week of collaboration and networking on industry-leading vision, best practices and solutions.

HRA produced a special “Dine Around” promotion for the over 3,000 attendees featuring HRA member restaurant specials exclusively for the event.  HRA board members and staff manned a booth in the Village Square.

Pictured:  Naomi Azama and Biff Graper

Suisan Food Show

suisan-9-30-16HRA Executive Director Gregg Fraser manned a booth at the Suisan Food Show at the Hilton Waikoloa on September 30th.



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