Gregg Fraser, HRA Executive Director
Effective advocacy for our industry is, among other things, a lot about having good relationships with regulators and legislators. During the legislative session, our Legislative team is constantly reminded of the importance of maintaining good relations with legislators so that our perspective on various bills and issues is given thoughtful consideration. Much of our good reputation stems from the interaction our members have with elected officials when they are dining in your establishments. This personal contact between industry professionals, and those who regulate us is so important to our success.
Although several weeks remain in this session of the legislature, our success rate on our issues remains high. And much of that success is due to the strength and good will of our members throughout the years. Thank you for contacting legislators when the call goes out for grass-roots action.
Another concern that we are assisting restaurant’s with is Tip Pooling and Tip Credit. We have been conducting seminars on the subject and will continue to get information to you as quickly as possible. HRA understands that this is a tough issue with staff and we are here to help. Feel free to call us for suggestions and comments as to what is happening throughout the industry.
This is a busy time of the year for the Hawaii Restaurant Association. In addition to all the issues HRA is following at the Capitol, you will want to join your friends at the annual HRA Golf Tournament, June 9th at the Hawaii Prince Golf Club in Ewa Beach. You can log on to our website at www.hawaiirestaurant.org for more info. This year we are securing the entire 27 holes to quicken the play over last year.
It is not too early to begin making plans to attend the annual Hawaii Lodging, Hospitality and Foodservice Expo, July 13th & 14th at the Blaisdell Center. This Expo is the largest of its kind in Hawaii. You will not want to miss the exciting new ideas you will see from all the Expo exhibitors. See you in July. Thank you for allowing us to serve our members, on many levels, to help with your success. We hope you will call on our knowledgeable staff whenever you need assistance.